Creative Productions

Whole Brain is all about working creatively outside of the box.

Who We Are, Really

Since moving, we are functioning independently. As a startup studio growing rapidly in Southwest Virginia, we are currently operating out of a single family house. Don’t worry! It’s sounds great! The studio is also completely mobile with multi-tracking capabilities. Depending on the budget, we can bring a little or we can bring a lot. Either way, the job gets done.

Growth goals include moving into a private commercial facility and building a soundstage. Since we own all of our equipment and overhead costs are currently low, all proceeds go to developing local music and working towards our goal of owning a building.

We are currently producing an open jam that is free for local musicians and using our skills to curate a music scene by providing sliding scale access to developing artists. Whole Brain Productions is an ASCAP member and Independent Record Label. We provide studio recording, location recording, distribution, music videos, and live performance capture.